Employment Law

Protecting your rights in the workplace

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Experienced Employment Law Firm In New York

If you’ve experienced injustice in your workplace, you might feel alone. Disempowered. Intimidated. But with LAWYERFORWORKERS by your side, you can seize back the power in whatever situation you find yourself in. Our attorneys will take up your case with all the expertise and passion that you deserve. With extensive research, we will uncover every detail that helps to prove your case. Although we cannot guarantee results, you can rest assured that we will do everything possible to achieve a positive outcome. LAWYERFORWORKERS will fight the corporate powers that be to bring justice to workers whose rights are under fire by discrimination, hostile work environments, or sexual harassment. Whether it’s wrongful termination or retaliatory action for whistleblowers, our experienced lawyers will intervene on your behalf to arrive at the best possible result. Get our team on your side, contact us today.

Which Situations Might Qualify Me For A Claim Against My Employer?

A broad range of issues can qualify you for a claim. Discrimination in hiring or in promotion, retaliation or retaliatory discharge, sexual harassment, lack of accommodations for your disability, or refusal to grant family or medical leave can all be cause for a claim. We look closely at the facts that support your case, review your evidence, and determine if you have a case. If you do, our employment attorneys will go the extra mile to get you the justice you deserve. If you have a toxic workplace, sit down with one of our lawyers to see whether you might have a claim. Get in touch with our office to learn more.

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Contending for Justice in the Courts

No one likes to elevate employment issues to the level of litigation. When negotiations fail, though, litigation is often the only road to justice. Our employment lawyers have years of experience in both mediation and in the courtroom protecting our clients’ rights against institutions that take advantage of their employees through illegal workplace practices. If you’ve tried everything else and your employer won’t budge from their illegal behavior, our employment law team can help. Make an appointment with one of our employment attorneys today.

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